
PLM ranking done by users. Does it bring more clarity of confusion?

PLM ranking done by users. Does it bring more clarity of confusion?

The topic of PLM ranking is getting some traction recently in the conversation with my readers and industry peers. Check my article –  Why traditional PLM ranking is dead. PLM ranking 2.0. I also shared some ideas about how to democratize PLM knowledge to help manufacturing customers to make an…

PLM reports – how to compare apples and oranges

PLM reports – how to compare apples and oranges

Recent Forrester Wave report made some turbulence in PLM world. I shared my thoughts in my earlier blog –What I learned about PLM leaders from Forrester Wave report. Aras $100 millions revenues based on the Forrester research criteria was an interesting surprise. While Dassault Systemes, Siemens PLM and PTC are…

PLM vendors: 2016 SWOT update

PLM vendors: 2016 SWOT update

Two years ago I posted my Top PLM Vendors. Let’s face it – every vendor has its strength… sharing my thoughts about PLM vendors comparison. That was already 2 years ago – time is flying fast! I feel, there is a need to refresh my comments. So, here is an updated…

PLM 2015 predictions as it seen in the rear view mirror

PLM 2015 predictions as it seen in the rear view mirror

The end of each year produced tons of predictions and resolutions. Rarely we look back to check what happened and think how to improve our future predictions. That’s what I’m going to attempt here. A year ago, I published – Top 5 PLM trends to watch in 2015. Today, I want…
