
CAD & PLM Applications, Data-Centric Architectures, and Cloud-Native Systems

CAD & PLM Applications, Data-Centric Architectures, and Cloud-Native Systems

Engineering and manufacturing systems are moving to the cloud. Born in the cloud, “cloud-native” systems are more efficient, scalable, and reliable than traditional systems. A big part of this shift is data-centric architecture. Data-centric architectures move away from monolithic data management systems towards granular and flexible data model that allows…

3 use cases for branching in CAD data management

3 use cases for branching in CAD data management

Yesterday, my attention was caught by Develop3D article  – Data management related tools. Al Dean is sharing his thoughts about new data management features in CAD / PDM – branching. Although some old PDM systems supported branching for revisions and lifecycle, it was not a very popular feature because integration…

From CAD file versions comparison to cloud PDM

From CAD file versions comparison to cloud PDM

A trend towards moving design related work to the cloud is growing. Despite a chorus of security, speed and connectivity concerned people, we can see how companies are growing their cloud data management solution towards supporting more robust features online. Few months ago, I was posting about Github moving towards…

GitHub PDM: Is It For Real?

GitHub PDM: Is It For Real?

GitHub is a well known social network for programmers. According to Wikipedia article, GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system. GitHub offers both paid plans for private repositories, and free accounts for open source projects. As of May 2011, GitHub…

3D printing, GitHub, and PDM erosion

3D printing, GitHub, and PDM erosion

3D printing is still a narrow niche play zone. In my view, we are not going to see 3D printer at every home soon. At the same time, manufacturing companies and larger service vendors are getting more and more interested in the 3D opportunity. As it happens with regular printers…

What is behind “GitHub for CAD” marketing buzz?

What is behind “GitHub for CAD” marketing buzz?

PLM and marketing are not good friends. Marketing did a poor job for the last 10 years for PLM. For many years, PLM was advertised as something that can do everything… and even coffee. At the same time, marketing is indeed very important. Especially, it is critical for a new startup company….
