
Homegrown PLM, focused tools and dis-integration

Homegrown PLM, focused tools and dis-integration

Integration is a popular word in PLM. It is a good word. It gives you a good taste and promise of the right approach, technology, strategy. Just say that – “integrated PLM deployment” and it feels good. Doesn’t matter that integration means bunch of code written using different languages, scripts,…

How to turn PLM, ERP & MES into a 360-degree system

How to turn PLM, ERP & MES into a 360-degree system

Major pillars of enterprise software in every manufacturing company are represented by the silos – engineering, manufacturing planning, shop-flow control. Historically each silo developed its own system to manage information and processes. Nothing wrong with that, but within time, created a huge problem of data handover between organizations. With increased competition, demand…

Will “cloud” change the way we integrate PLM and ERP?

Will “cloud” change the way we integrate PLM and ERP?

Integration has a very important role in PLM implementations. PLM is intended to manage design and engineering aspects of product development. ERP is intended to manage manufacturing resources, process and inventory. Therefore PLM and ERP are complementary. Most of PLM implementations I’ve seen in my life, required PLM-ERP integration. At…

PLM Integrations: If-then, hammers and polymorphism

PLM Integrations: If-then, hammers and polymorphism

Many years ago, I’ve been doing some work implementing PLM-ERP integration using Microsoft BizTalk Server. It was fascinating experience. BizTalk was expanding its integration capabilities and tools. It worked very well for many cases. However, after many years, I have to admit that for some complex PLM-ERP use cases it…

PLM360 is promising to integrate with everything

PLM360 is promising to integrate with everything

Just to think about integrations and PLM can hurt your mind. Integrations are complex and expensive business. It is not unusual to hear from manufacturing companies that they do manual integration between products to avoid unexpected complexity and cost. Usually integration is done as a service project and requires skilled…

PLM and integration business

PLM and integration business

Integrations. Enterprise software implementations are heavy depending on the ability to integrate different pieces of software. Each and every PLM implementation I’ve seen required some sort of integrations. It might be integration of CAD and PDM packages, which is relatively straightforward in many situations. But it can be also very…

Bill of Materials (BOM) and product lifecycle open loops

Bill of Materials (BOM) and product lifecycle open loops

It is hard overestimate the importance of Bill of Materials for product development. In my keynote at ProSTEP iViP symposium in Stuttgart earlier this month I’ve been sharing my thoughts why developing of single BOM across multiple disciplines in critical for organization. I wanted to bring few examples that can…

How to prevent cloud PLM integration mistakes

How to prevent cloud PLM integration mistakes

Cloud is huge enabler for collaboration between people. It makes your data and processes accessible everywhere from a browser. It can help you to collaborate between engineers and suppliers. It can help you to integrate systems and people across enterprise. Let me speak about the last one. The integration topic…

SAP has a magic technology to improve enterprise integration

SAP has a magic technology to improve enterprise integration

Integration is a big deal. When it comes to enterprise organizations and specifically manufacturing companies of different kinds, enterprise integration is one of the major challenges that influence broad PLM adoption and ROI. Enterprise integration isn’t a simple problem to solve. It requires a diverse set of tools to support data…

How to re-invent CAD / PDM integration?

How to re-invent CAD / PDM integration?

In the beginning was CAD and CAD was the only important system for engineers. Then came PDM… In my view, the topic of CAD/PDM integration is one of the most fascinating ones in the history of CAD, data management and collaboration. From many standpoints, PDM makes sense to become a…
