"PLM Innovation 2012"

PLM Innovation 2012: PLM is Strategic, but What’s Next?

PLM Innovation 2012: PLM is Strategic, but What’s Next?

Earlier, this week, I’ve been attending PLM Innovation Congress 2012 in Munich. If you haven’t had a chance to read my pre-conference post, please navigate to the following link – Few Minutes before PLM Innovation 2012. This full two-day event was completely focused on Product Lifecycle Management. Take a look…

PLM Innovation Panel: The Future of PLM Business Models

PLM Innovation Panel: The Future of PLM Business Models

PLM Innovation 2012 in Munich is over. It was a great event, gathered about 250 people and 20+ companies on the exhibition floor. On the 2nd day, I was delighted to moderate a panel discussing future PLM business models. The idea of the panel was to have an opportunity to…

PLM and IT Consumerization (PLM 2012 in Munich)

PLM and IT Consumerization (PLM 2012 in Munich)

I had two very busy days in Munich attending PLM Innovation event. There were lots of great conversations, ideas and demos. Earlier today I had a chance to share my ideas of how Consumerization of IT will influence the future of Product Lifecycle Management. Below, I’d like to share slides of my…

Few minutes before PLM Innovation 2012

Few minutes before PLM Innovation 2012

I’m just few hours before two-day marathon of PLM Innovation 2012 in Munich. The list of speakers and the agenda is very impressive. Actually, browsing through the agenda, I have really hard time to decide about what track and session to attend. What is most impressive in this agenda is…
