
Tomayto, tomahto, PLM strategy and small manufacturing teams

Tomayto, tomahto, PLM strategy and small manufacturing teams

Engineers are usually get frustrated with discussions about PDM / PLM strategies and solutions. For most of them, it sounds very abstract and far for their engineering and manufacturing realities. Business process, product information, downstream and upstream processes, data continuity, etc. It sounds and feels like a different planet for…

How PLM let go of the banana?

How PLM let go of the banana?

How do you trap a big monkey in a small cage the size of a banana? Easy! You place a banana inside the cage and leave an opening large enough for the monkey’s hand, but not for the banana. As soon as the monkey grabs the banana, it’s trapped. The…

CAD-less PLM Puzzle

CAD-less PLM Puzzle

Ask people about the connection between CAD and PLM and you will discover a very interesting thing. In the past people draw a bold line connection CAD and PLM environment. The connection between CAD and PLM is not very strong. CAD was considered as a founding layer in all PLM…

PLM – Do The Right Thing?

PLM – Do The Right Thing?

I read two blog articles written by Mark Suster in his blog Both Sides of the Table – The Benefits Of Top Down Thinking and Doing the Right Things is More Important than Doing Things Right. Mark is entrepreneur, investor and general partner in GRP Partners.  Mark is not writing about Product Lifecycle…


GPS, PLM, BIM: Plan the Next Leapfrog?

You probably wonder – GPS, PLM, BIM… What do they have in common today? In my view, the common is their relationship with real objects of a physical world around us. GPS can position us and give us a direction in surrounding world, CAD/PLM is the universal mechanism to design…


Relative Value vs. Absolute Value of PLM

I was reading an amazing post by Larry Cheng: Relative Value vs. Absolute Value. This made me think  about how we are developing PLM today. It seems like we are doing this with very absolute values: PLM allows you to cut costs, optimize processes, increase profits, etc. From the technology…


PLM, Please Don’t Take Giant Steps…

This post caught my attention last week. “PLM, please take 3 giant steps forward!” by Jim Brown. I’m very well connected to Jim and yet I’d like to pose a controversial question – should PLM do it? I would like to explain my points and look forward to a fruitful…
