
PLM and Immersive Language Tools

PLM and Immersive Language Tools

Globalization is a reality of today’s manufacturing environment. It is no unusual to have even small companies distributed across the globe. At the time, web technologies are helping us to deploy systems globally, people collaboration is still something that goes beyond the technology. One of the most critical factors is…

PLM and Seamless Multi-lingual Collaboration

PLM and Seamless Multi-lingual Collaboration

Global environment is the reality of today’s business. Engineering and manufacturing organizations are located in multiple places worldwide. To help people to collaborate despite lanugage barriers is a very important goal. In the past, multi-language support in software was limited to providing versions of software working in different languages. However,…

PLM Prompt: Breaking down the language barrier in collaboration

PLM Prompt: Breaking down the language barrier in collaboration

I think language is one of the barriers for successful collaboration. Therefore, I’m really excited about a new feature in Gmail that will help to break down the language barrier – Automatic message translation between 41 languages. I think such feature can be really cool for global PLM deployment. Does…
