A few years ago, I wrote my article – Who will make PLM sexier? My point was that for a...
User interface or how we more often call it these days “user experience” (UX) is tough. Enterprise systems, PLM and CAD...
In a lexicon of CAD and PLM marketing “intuitive” talk is cheap. You can find it everywhere. Google “intuitive PLM”...
Experience is a new mantra in our world. Software vendors are taking it sometimes to extremes by starting to offer...
The theme of user experience and UI improvements is not new. From time to time, the discussion about UI improvements...
Product lifecycle management (PLM) is an information management system that can integrate data, processes, business systems and, ultimately, people in...
The conversation I started yesterday PLM vs Excel: Bullfight and Prohibition made me think again about reasons why Excel is constantly...
I’m coming again to this topic – User Interface. These days you can hear about it as user experience (UX)....
For long time, enterprise software didn’t pay much attention to user-friendliness. I can go and bring many examples from the...
Let’s talk about User Interface today. Something that we call UX (User Experience) nowadays. The importance of user experience can...
The complexity of engineering and manufacturing software is a well-known fact. The topic isn’t really new. For the last couple...
I’d suggest to have some fun in the beginning. What is PUI? Do you think this is a new PLM...