A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Mini PLM and Google Shared Spaces

Mini PLM and Google Shared Spaces
22 December, 2010 | 2 min for reading

Google Wave gone. Developers moved to Facebook. Nevertheless, Google comes with an interesting Labs project Google Shared Space. You can get more info on the Shared Space wiki pages. In addition, navigate your browser to the following two articles – PC Mag: Google Shared Space Gadgets Use Wave Technology and Google has a new social experience. The technology of usage widget code written for Google Wave without actually trying to achieve to grandiose Wave goal of re-inventing email made me think about some similar experience happens in PLM world these days.

Re-packaging and Mini PLM

I’ve wrote about re-packaging few days ago. I can see Google Wave morphed and re-packaged into SharedSpace. I can even see a repackaging formula: Google Wave – Email Replacement = Google Shared Space. As a consequence of this can come with something that can provide useful PLM-related features without building huge PLM building. PLM vendors were under immersive stress to provide the best integrated environment. Mindshare PLM vendors spent enormous budgets working on vertically integrated solutions. At the same time, Daimler situation presented some weak points of proprietary integrations and client adoption.

Applificiation and Google Wave Widgets

Take a look on the list of Google Shared Space widgets. I found it interesting. Using imagination, you can think about how to utilize them for product development tasks, voting, business process planning, etc.

I made  a try with a glimpse of  BPMN process. You can see, it resulted in a process I can share with other people using Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts.

What is my conclusion? The consumerization of IT – this is a process we will be watching very intensively for the next decade. It will result in multiple morphing of existing solutions into something that will remind consumer web, but will provide a value for enterprise organizations. Google SharedSpace experiment with widgets is a good try. I’m not sure what success it will bring to Google. Data is a missing point when you move SharedSpace story to an enterprise environment.

Best, Oleg

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