Archive for December, 2010

PLM Processes, Lists and Implementation Confusion

PLM Processes, Lists and Implementation Confusion

I read the following blog post by Christine Longwell – Do we really need structured workflows if we have visibility and status? In my view, the question asked by Christine can be heard very often from customers trying to decide about PDM or PLM process management.  I specially liked the following passage…

Social Enterprise Discussion and Next Collaboration Buzz?

Social Enterprise Discussion and Next Collaboration Buzz?

Collaboration is a tough word. PLM Is using this word all the time. For the last 10-15 years in this industry, I had a chance to see lots of variations on what means collaboration and what will be the next big shift in collaboration. Recently, I started to see multiple attempts…

PLM Think Tank Top 5 – November, 2010

PLM Think Tank Top 5 – November, 2010

I was reading GigaOM article Should We Be Afraid of Apple, Google and Facebook? I found it interesting. Take your time, read and make an opinion. I found some comparison about past and present monopolies interesting. Here is the thought about information monopolies – “AT&T was a monopoly during an…

Engineering Software: Move to the Cloud vs. Born in the Cloud?

Engineering Software: Move to the Cloud vs. Born in the Cloud?

I’m not attending AU this year. My end of the year schedule included too many trips, so I wasn’t able to attend Autodesk show in Las-Vegas. However, thanks to my blogging and twitting friends and colleagues, I’m getting almost real time updates about what Autodesk is presenting. The notion of…
