A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Before DSCC 2011: Learning new Dassault keywords

Before DSCC 2011: Learning new Dassault keywords
7 November, 2011 | 2 min for reading

The information overflow. This is not something surprising you. In many situations, we are not reading, but scanning keywords. Sometimes these keywords and their combination is quite important. I’m heading to Las Vegas this morning to attend DSCC 2011 conference. Yesterday, I’ve got my final media briefing agenda containing the list of recommended sessions and one-on-one meetings. So, what I’m trying to do is to learn from the keywords. Below you can find some of my thoughts when reading DSCC 2011 keywords .

Expanding PLM. It is a second year, Dassault is prepping to talk about PLM expanding beyond what it delivers today. Next wave. The key word here is “real life” or “lifelike” experience. The speech will be delivered by Bernard Charles, president and CEO of Dassault System.

PLM In the cloud changing your business. Interesting enough, “cloud talk” will be delivered by Microsoft, which confirms (probably) Dassault continues to focus on Microsoft’s technologies to deliver their cloud solution. My immediate open questions how it will correlate with AWS strategy announced earlier this year. Also, where is Google, Facebook and others in this story?

Collaboration and Industry Solutions. It is almost impossible to see any PLM agenda without word “collaboration”. At the same time, I felt an increased industry keywords favor. Together with traditional aerospace, defense and industrial equipment, I found references to AEC, High-Tech, Medical. The interesting question I have with regards to that is related to the “Social topic”, which probably will be covered under 3DSwYm umbrella.

DS Online platform. This set of keywords represent – ENOVIA. The speech will be delivered by new ENOVIA brand CEO – Andy Kalambi. It is clear – ENOVIA remains the platform for DS to deliver foundation for all technologies. I’m looking forward to learning more about how ENOVIA will evolve in the space between private and public clouds.

DS Rich Applications. This is a new keyword set to combine SolidWorks, CATIA, DELMIA, SIMULIA brands (or applications) together. Interesting enough, “application terms”. It looks like DS is following “applification trend” coming from consumer space.

DS Universal Applications. Another keyword to define 3DVIA, Exalead and 3DSwYm. I haven’t seen this combination before. 3DSwYM (first presented last year means See What You Mean) combined with previous 3DVIA an Exalead (brand created out of acquisition search vendor Dassault made last year)

One of keyword, I found on the agenda – Engineering 2.0. Since it is introduced in the speech of Chad Jackson, I’m not sure it is something that belongs to Dassault products or technologies. However, I’m looking forward to learning about it too.

What is my conclusion? I’m excited and looking forward to meeting lots of people during coming two days and dig more into new DS PLM Keywords. For the moment, it is just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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