Archive for May, 2012

Thoughts before ACE 2012: Why Aras PLM is different?

Thoughts before ACE 2012: Why Aras PLM is different?

I’m in Detroit today to attend Aras PLM user conference – ACE 2012. I’ve heard in the halls before conference that the theme of the conference – “Aras is different”. Few months before, Aras blogged about the same topic here. You can learn about the conference agenda by navigating to the…

First Look of 3DS SolidWorks e-Drawings for iPad

First Look of 3DS SolidWorks e-Drawings for iPad

For the last couple of years, I’ve been following iPad application appearance in the space of engineering and manufacturing. I expected this application to come much earlier. So, I wanted to say the same word Ricky Jordan said in his blog. Finally! SolidWorks (or how it is named now 3DS SolidWorks) just made a…
