A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Autodesk acquires Inforbix and message to my readers.

Autodesk acquires Inforbix and message to my readers.
28 August, 2012 | 1 min for reading

Dear friends! I’m glad to share the news with you – Autodesk Continues Strategic Investment in Product Lifecycle Management with Acquisition of Inforbix. You probably remember my first blog about Inforibx back in 2010 – Introducing Inforbix Product Data Apps. I’m excited for Inforbix, the team and looking forward to new challenges and opportunity at Autodesk. Autodesk confirmed the strategic course to develop and expand PLM 360 and other products on the cloud. Inforbix brings technology to aggregate, fuse, search and visualize data. If you haven’t had a chance to discover it until now, you can catch up on inforbix website, which is still alive as well as Inforbix social media channels – YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Facebook. The following video fragment can give you a glimpse of what Inforbix technologies can do for PLM 360.

Autodesk and Beyond PLM

I want to say few words about my blogging activity. For the last almost five years, Beyond PLM and PLM Think Tank is sharing my opinion about engineering and manufacturing software, CAD, PDM, PLM, industry and technological trends. This activity was absolutely independent of my employment in the past and will continue to be independent now. I’m looking forward to continuing sharing new information, thoughts and opinion here. I’m sure will have an opportunity to speak more  about Autodesk PLM/PDM, but it will come from Autodesk blogs.
Best, Oleg

Picture courtesy of SolidSmack blog.

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