Archive for November, 2012

Dogfooding and PLM APIs random thoughts

Dogfooding and PLM APIs random thoughts

If you are long time enough in software business you should be familiar with the term “dogfooding” (or eat your own dog food). This term used to explain the situation or scenario in which company is using their own products to demonstrate their capabilities and quality. If you are not…

PLM Implementations and PLM Egoism

PLM Implementations and PLM Egoism

PLM implementation requires the change. I’m sure you had a chance to hear about it more than one times. The idea behind that is somewhat simple – PLM implementation eventually going to change the way you are doing business, your product development processes, intercommunication between people, systems and, of course,…

PLM Collaboration and Microsoft Office 2013 Cloud Strategy

PLM Collaboration and Microsoft Office 2013 Cloud Strategy

Microsoft is releasing to manufacturing Office 2013 version. For many years, Office was a symbol of Microsoft’s desktop empire. Not anymore. You can find it interesting, but the major focus on Office 2013 is… cloud. Navigate your browser to the following article – Microsoft Office 2013: Best New Features for…

Social PLM and Crowd Thinking Opportunity

Social PLM and Crowd Thinking Opportunity

Two months ago, I had a chance to speak at Social PLM 2012 virtual conference. It is a good time to check what happens with “social PLM” topic these days. I found few bits of information – Kenesto just announced about how it enables “social business through process collaboration”, earlier…

Cloud PLM debates about multitenant models

Cloud PLM debates about multitenant models

The discussion about cloud PLM is growing these days. Big players are entering the game. Latest announcement made by Siemens PLM about TeamCenter on the cloud just emphasized that PLM cannot avoid the “cloud” game. The list of cloud options for PLM today including a long list of companies –…

PLM, Digital Native and Human Interaction

PLM, Digital Native and Human Interaction

Digital Native and Digital Immigrant. Have you heard about these terms? Lately, we are starting to hear about it more and more. Our familiarity with technologies is different. This is not only a result of our professional interest, but also something in our roots and… age. Navigate to Wikipedia’s article…

PLM, Product Cost and Bridge to Nowhere?

PLM, Product Cost and Bridge to Nowhere?

Product cost. Talk to any manufacturing company in the world and they will tell you that cost is one of the most important factors for them. Fundamentally, you need to produce goods to enable profitability of your enterprise. Sounds simple and straightforward. It looks like one of the first pieces…

Cloud PLM and IaaS Options

Cloud PLM and IaaS Options

Cloud is trending, and PLM vendors are starting to take some advantages of the cloud solutions and infrastructure. The most-recent announcement in the cloud PLM was related to Siemens PLM and TeamCenter. You can find the announcement by navigating to the following link -Teamcenter on the Cloud: Faster Time to Value, Dynamic…

PLM priorities and Gartner IT’s Top 10  Tech Trends for 2013

PLM priorities and Gartner IT’s Top 10 Tech Trends for 2013

As we move towards the end of the year, we will see more posts with trends’ reviews for 2013. While it is really hard to predict “next big things”, these posts usually provide a good perspective on what is going on. Earlier this week, my attention caught by Gartner’s Top…

Thoughts about PLM Conferences

Thoughts about PLM Conferences

Last week I attended PLM Innovation Americas 2012 conference in Atlanta. I already published few posts inspired by the conference – PLM Innovation and 5 PLM Trends and PLM Innovation: Who will provide PLM to Boeing in 2015? Few facts about the conference itself: about 250 attendees, reasonable sized for…
