Archive for 2012

Why PLM Experience is a bad idea?

Why PLM Experience is a bad idea?

Experience. This word is getting into our lexicon and we start using it often. It is a nice word. We like it. It reminds us success of Apple, flawless way to find information using Google maps, slick Macbook Air and many other things that we started to call “experience” now….

Will PLM cloud wait for HP?

Will PLM cloud wait for HP?

The discussion about cloud, cloud services and PLM cloud availability remains hot in the industry. The number of PLM vendors supporting ‘cloud’ model is growing. The same needs to be said with regards to the different approaches used by cloud PLM. Vendors are trying to bring the cloud in PLM…

PLM Wrappers and Motor City 1970s

PLM Wrappers and Motor City 1970s

Are you familiar with PLM platform diagrams? You can see lots of them in presentations, marketing materials, websites and conferences. Last year, during one of my presentations about PLM technological alternatives, I pulled bunch of these diagrams together. You can see them on the slide below. Usually, vendors call them…

5 NOs to make PLM usable

5 NOs to make PLM usable

User experience. You can hear this combination of words quite often these days. PLM space is not an exclusion from that. People in enterprise software, engineering and manufacturing are starting to ask more questions about usability. There are multiple reasons for that. Think about end users – engineers, project managers,…

Why PLM is more complicated than Google?

Why PLM is more complicated than Google?

Integration is a tough job. Especially when it comes to the enterprise software. The typical manufacturing company landscape is siloed it contains many systems – office application, email, content management, CAD, CAM, CAE, PDM, PLM, etc. Beyond that set of systems, every company has ERP and few additional enterprise systems….

How to prevent PLM and Data Openness Collision

How to prevent PLM and Data Openness Collision

Two words today are raising lots of discussion and controversy – Data and Openness. We live it everyday by hearing about different “data transparency” events and news. Google, Mobile, social networks, cloud- data is leaking everywhere. Even if we almost automatically considering “data leak” as something bad, many people today…

Dogfooding and PLM APIs random thoughts

Dogfooding and PLM APIs random thoughts

If you are long time enough in software business you should be familiar with the term “dogfooding” (or eat your own dog food). This term used to explain the situation or scenario in which company is using their own products to demonstrate their capabilities and quality. If you are not…

PLM Implementations and PLM Egoism

PLM Implementations and PLM Egoism

PLM implementation requires the change. I’m sure you had a chance to hear about it more than one times. The idea behind that is somewhat simple – PLM implementation eventually going to change the way you are doing business, your product development processes, intercommunication between people, systems and, of course,…

PLM Collaboration and Microsoft Office 2013 Cloud Strategy

PLM Collaboration and Microsoft Office 2013 Cloud Strategy

Microsoft is releasing to manufacturing Office 2013 version. For many years, Office was a symbol of Microsoft’s desktop empire. Not anymore. You can find it interesting, but the major focus on Office 2013 is… cloud. Navigate your browser to the following article – Microsoft Office 2013: Best New Features for…

Social PLM and Crowd Thinking Opportunity

Social PLM and Crowd Thinking Opportunity

Two months ago, I had a chance to speak at Social PLM 2012 virtual conference. It is a good time to check what happens with “social PLM” topic these days. I found few bits of information – Kenesto just announced about how it enables “social business through process collaboration”, earlier…
