Archive for January, 2013
PDM, Mobile Access and Data Sharing Paradigm
BOM 101: How to optimize Bill of Materials
3 Modern BOM Management Challenges
Bill of Materials. Probably the key element in product development and manufacturing. Surprisingly enough, many companies are still struggling with this topic. Bill of Materials drives lots of controversy and discussions. Why it is so important? On a surface, you may think BOM is a really simple thing. Just a…
Will Google Create a Platform for New Enterprise PLM?
Product Lifecycle and Social Timeline
Why Social PLM 1.0 Failed?
What do you think about “social PLM” trend? I don’t see many cheerleaders of social PLM nowadays. The excitement and social PLM fluff is over. Some of these companies turned into boring “collaborating utilities” with a flavor or enterprise security. Some of companies produced good “facebook user experience clones” and…