Archive for June, 2013

Why PLM should care about Web Data Commons Project?

Why PLM should care about Web Data Commons Project?

Big data is one of the biggest hyped buzzwords of the last two years. With all hype around, it is very hard to find a good definition when it comes to a simple question about what “big data” means for every specific case in your industry and your applications. The…

PLM, Data and Automotive Manufacturing

PLM, Data and Automotive Manufacturing

CAD and PLM vendors have a long history of development product for automotive industry. Major OEMs and their suppliers were one of the first customers long time ago in the history of the computer systems for design and manufacturing. The days when car development was mostly about mechanical design with…

Multiple Facets of PLM Search

Multiple Facets of PLM Search

Disclosure: As a co-founder of Inforbix and responsible of PLM 360 and Autodesk Vault product development at at Autodesk, I understand that my opinion about PLM Search can be unintentionally biased. Nevertheless, I believe the topic itself is very important, so I decided to share the information and my opinion…

Cloud PLM and PaaS Dilemma

Cloud PLM and PaaS Dilemma

IaaS, PaaS, SaaS… Most probably you are familiar with this abbreviations. These are fundamental layers in cloud computing these days. IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a service. PaaS stands for Platform as a Service and, finally, SaaS stands for Software as a Service. These concepts were around for some time. SaaS is probably…

Why PLM needs to shift focus from buyers to users?

Why PLM needs to shift focus from buyers to users?

Enterprise systems for long time are well-known as a place where IT plays the role of the king on the road. ERP, CRM and many other enterprise systems and implementations proved that. If you want to sell to enterprise organization, you need to focus on key IT people, preferable on…

Why Cloud PLM Should Pay Attention on Web Components?

Why Cloud PLM Should Pay Attention on Web Components?

Take a deep breath. I’m planning to get technical today. Google I/O is already few weeks behind us. Nevertheless, because of my working schedule, I’m just starting to scratch the surface of presentations and news that were presented there. Web development and specifically browser development is one the drives my…
