Archive for September, 2014

Accelerate 2014: PLM360 and the state of manufacturing industry

Accelerate 2014: PLM360 and the state of manufacturing industry

I’m attending Accelerate 2014 PLM360 event these days in Boston. This is the first ever live gathering of Autodesk PLM360 community. According to Ron Locking who kicked the event yesterday, it comes to a total number of about 200 attendees combined of customers, partners and industry analysts. So, why Boston?…

How many parts will be in a 3D printed vehicle?

How many parts will be in a 3D printed vehicle?

3D printing is buzzing trend these days. If you are not up to speed with the trend, you probably should. Because it changes everything around. Start today from Wikipedia article about 3D printing (aka as additive manufacturing). Today’s announcement about GrabCAD acquisition by Stratasys– leading 3D printing company is another confirmation…

What is the potential of product lifecycle analytics?

What is the potential of product lifecycle analytics?

The aim of PLM is to improve product development processes and lifecycle. One of the biggest challenges to make it happen is to deal with disparate enterprise applications and tools. The cost of system integration is high and many companies are not ready to make an investment in integration projects…

3 security related questions to ask your PLM cloud provider

3 security related questions to ask your PLM cloud provider

Cloud is getting wider adoption these days. An interesting trend I observe for the last year – customer are asking less questions about security. It was different 3-5 years ago. Everyone got concerned about cloud solutions security. Specifically for PLM domain, customers got concerned about company IP (drawings and other…

Part management is stuck between PLM and ERP

Part management is stuck between PLM and ERP

Few days ago, the discussion about PLM revenue model took me into part management route. This is not entirely related to revenue and business models, but my readers mentioned part cost reduction as one of the most visible ways to present PLM ROI. I have to agree, to manage parts…

PLM and Zero BOM errors: the devil is in details

PLM and Zero BOM errors: the devil is in details

To manage Bill of Materials (BOM) is not a simple job. Often you can hear a simple definition of bill of material as a “list of component needed to build a product”. However, in reality, BOM is much more complex and contains information about product structure, the ways product is…

Will future PLM order parts for makers?

Will future PLM order parts for makers?

Have you heard about “makers”? If you are in manufacturing business, you probably should pay attention to that. You may hear about “makers movement” these days as a new industrial revolution changing the way people are making stuff. I can recommend you Chris Anderson’s book to read more about that. New digital…

The end of debates about out-of-the-box PLM?

The end of debates about out-of-the-box PLM?

PLM implementation discussions are usually brings lots of controversy. Vendors, analysts, advisers, service companies, customers are all involved into implementations. It brings different and, sometimes, conflicting interests. In my view, one of the most debated topic in PLM implementations is related to so called ability to implement “PLM Out-of-the-box”. I’m…

CAD, PLM and Top 500 cloud app vendors list

CAD, PLM and Top 500 cloud app vendors list

The cloud is growing. Few years ago, some of us had a concern if cloud is fad and it will over fast. Since that time, we can see many new companies in cloud space as well as many companies turned their development efforts completely towards the cloud eco-system. If you…

PLM Chat and Twitter Product Checklist

PLM Chat and Twitter Product Checklist

Collaboration is critical functions in PLM applications. To unlock the potential of social collaboration for engineers is a dream of PLM vendors for the last few years. At the time people may see Social PLM DOA, I don’t see the opportunity to improve communication and collaboration as a lost one….
