Archive for May, 2015

Bad PDM experience?  After all, it is CAD systems’ fault…

Bad PDM experience? After all, it is CAD systems’ fault…

PDM. Product Data Management was one of the topics engineers are really hating. It was always about slow implementations, complex user experience, slow check-in and check-out, unsupported CAD versions and many other things. The relationships between PDM and CAD vendors aren’t simple either. I shared some of my thoughts about…

IoT, Industry 4.0 and PLM technological challenges

IoT, Industry 4.0 and PLM technological challenges

Connectivity and information technologies are changing our lives. Think about your everyday experience – news, driving, communication, banking. It is so different from we had 10 years ago. One of the main drivers behind the change is our ability to connect to different sources of information. Now think about connectivity…
