Archive for June, 2015

PLM, mass-customization and 3D printed high heels

PLM, mass-customization and 3D printed high heels

What is connecting high heels and airplane landing gear? Some people can find a commonality and special ones can build a business around it. My attention caught by the following BI article – A former SpaceX exec is reinventing the high heel with the help of an astronaut and a rocket…

3 reasons why big data is a big challenge for PLM

3 reasons why big data is a big challenge for PLM

Data was always a core part of what manufacturing does. Manufacturing companies have lots of data. According to Joanna Schloss of Dell Software, manufacturers are literally sitting on big data dynamite of potential revenues and opportunities driven by data initiatives. Joanna Schloss is  subject matter expert on business intelligence and…

PLM, Upgrades and Competition

PLM, Upgrades and Competition

Traditional PLM wisdom says to buy PLM system is a complex process. Once you decided for a specific platform or technology, it will be very hard to change or replace with something else. I’ve been skimming social network news this morning The following tweet from @jonathanpscott caught my attention – “More…
