Archive for December, 2015

How content marketing and IoT standards can impact product lifecycle

How content marketing and IoT standards can impact product lifecycle

Standards are similar toothbrushes. Everyone need one, but nobody wants to somebody else standard. CAD and PLM solutions are supporting variety of standards, but the situation is far from ideal. In 2015 you can exchange design and engineering information, but most of the data exchange is focusing on design data…

How chip in every physical item will change PLM platforms?

How chip in every physical item will change PLM platforms?

The sensors are getting smaller and more efficient. The last BGR blog featured remarkable new sensor chip pulls power out of the air so it never needs to be charged. The Telegraph article – Marc Andreessen: ‘In 20 years, every physical item will have a chip implanted in it’ few days ago…

How to close PLM-IoT loop?

How to close PLM-IoT loop?

My recent article “What is wrong with PLM of Things? led me to have discussions online and offline about integration of IoT and Product Lifecycle Management applications. In general, I think, the topic is still hugely misunderstood and the level of confusion among technological vendors, manufacturing companies and average consumer is very high….

Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays!

Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays!

Dear Friends, The Holiday season is an opportunity to reflect on both the past and the New Year ahead. It was an amazing year at Beyond PLM. Thank you for being my readers! I appreciate your comments, support and feedback. At the same time, I’m thinking how to improve Beyond…

Google Sheet Add-ons and PLM Excels in the cloud

Google Sheet Add-ons and PLM Excels in the cloud

Excel is the world’s number 1 tool for PLM and BoM management. Excel is beloved by engineers for its simplicity, flexibility and ability to absorb any type of data. Excel ownership and control is easy to get – just save Excel file on your disk and you have full control of…

How to break silos between product development and manufacturing in 2016

How to break silos between product development and manufacturing in 2016

Information and process silos. For manufacturing organizations silos is a problem that slows down innovation and enterprise software efficiency regardless on what new product and technologies are you buying from software vendors. The days when engineers were able to throw the design over the manufacturing wall and forget about it are over….

3 options for PLM disruption in 2016

3 options for PLM disruption in 2016

The hardest thing in technology is to disrupt yourself. My attention was caught by an old interview with former Solidworks CEO Jeff Ray speaking about how they created a team of people working to re-invent Solidworks. The interview is here. Here is the passage that caught my attention. Deelip: I…

IoT futurism and PLM basics

IoT futurism and PLM basics

The Internet of Thing is coming and it capturing imagination and budgets of PLM vendors and manufacturing companies. Earlier this week, I raised the question – what is wrong with PLM of Things? The problem I see is related to building information silos. This is very similar to a “single…
