Archive for January, 2016

Slack: Future operation system and PLM platform?

Slack: Future operation system and PLM platform?

How often you communicate using various messaging applications? My hunch you might use it more often that voice call these days. Text messages, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Google Hangout Chat. One of the things that caught my attention recently is a growing interest in chat and messaging applications. I remember…

Part Numbers. Intelligent & Dumb. Can we have both?

Part Numbers. Intelligent & Dumb. Can we have both?

I think, most of PLM people are considering the fight about pros and cons of intelligent numbers is only related to product development and manufacturing. But the problem is more generic. It is about every number in enterprise software. Account number, order number, support ticket, etc. Thanks for Ed Lopategui that brought…

The future of the part numbers transparency

The future of the part numbers transparency

Back to New Year celebration, I bought the iTwinkle Light made by GE in Home Depot. It has many features, connects to your smartphone to control light patterns, sound, stream music, etc. But, unfortunately, I had few broken lights or cable or some cable disconnect. In general, it is not a…

Who needs single source of truth for BoM?

Who needs single source of truth for BoM?

One of my best blogging buddies in product lifecycle management and President of Lifecycle Insight Chad Jackson open 2016 with a very provocative statement – A Single Source of the Truth for the BOM Still Doesn’t Exist. The article speaks about complexity of BoM management between different engineering disciplines –…

From intelligent part numbers to part number intelligence

From intelligent part numbers to part number intelligence

One of the fundamental things in product development and lifecycle is related to part numbering schemas. The discussion about part numbers is always emotional. Sometimes it feels like a disagreement about picking your child name. The dilemma is usually presented as “intelligent vs. non-intelligent” part numbers. You can read few recent…

Message to my readers about 2016 plans

Message to my readers about 2016 plans

2015 was a busy year for me. You probably remember my post. I spent time working on PLM consulting projects, technology advisory, writing, social media and research projects. Today I want to share some news about my plans for 2016. One of my passions is to share information and comments…

Plug-n-produce and manufacturing networks

Plug-n-produce and manufacturing networks

I learned a new term today – plug-and-produce. The Design News article – Industry 4.0 Will Mean ‘Plug-and-Produce’ and ‘Digital Twins’ by Peter Thorne speaks about the transformation  happening with manufacturing companies these days. The vision of connected equipment is powerful. The ability to get access to production machine data is fascinating….

Why standards is not a silver bullet to create PLM innovation platform?

Why standards is not a silver bullet to create PLM innovation platform?

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to chose from. article Moving Towards Product Innovation Platforms put a great deal of focus on opportunity to use standards to solve the problem of data integration and interoperability in product development, engineering and manufacturing. I captured few very…

Are we approaching dead end of product data ownership?

Are we approaching dead end of product data ownership?

Who owns product data? article Moving Towards Product Innovation Platforms by Verdi Ogewell brings that question and share some interesting perspective on future of platforms in product development. The article is worth reading. My favorite passage is the one titled with “product development beyond PLM”. Product Development Beyond PLM. In…

3 achievements of “cloud PLM 1.0”

3 achievements of “cloud PLM 1.0”

  It has been almost 5 years since PLM industry started to turn its trajectory towards adoption cloud technologies and development of cloud-based solutions. Remember TechClarity blog from 2012 by Jim Brown – A time and a reason to talk cloud PLM. According to Jim Brown (almost 4 years ago),…
