Archive for May, 2018

Digital Transformation – next step in PLM marketing?

Digital Transformation – next step in PLM marketing?

For the past few decades, PLM passed many stages of development. It was started as a form of configuration management, extended PDM, moving into single source of truth and looks like finding some new roots in modern digital transformation trends. I wrote about Digital Transformation as an interesting sales buzzword….

From flexible data models and free upgrades to autonomous PLM data services

From flexible data models and free upgrades to autonomous PLM data services

Flexibility is one of the most important requirements in product lifecycle management. PLM  debates about flexibility, customization and configuration are decades long. It comes and goes in waves – flexible data models, complexity, customization, configurations, out-of-the-box, templates and repeats again. And I think, there is always an “elephant in the…

Microservice & advantages of  PLM cloud native apps

Microservice & advantages of  PLM cloud native apps

People are hard. We know that. There are so many articles written about complexity of changes, people management and PLM implementations. However, here is that thing  – I think technology matters. Especially when it comes to cost and scale. I was attending HOOPs summit in Boston yesterday organized by TechSoft3D….

What PLM systems are actually supporting microservice architecture?

What PLM systems are actually supporting microservice architecture?

Technology and marketing are often going side by side. Today, I want to talk about SOA (service oriented architecture), web services, microservices and monolithic architecture. These issues raised many questions and created lot of confusion in PLM technology and marketing in the past few years. Let me start from “monolithic…

New PLM tech, old habits and agile innovation

New PLM tech, old habits and agile innovation

Message on twitter from Jos Voskuil caught me by surprise earlier today.  Jos commented on my OpenBOM blog about Onshape, OpenBOM and drawing BOM (full transparency – I co-founder and CEO of OpenBOM developing cloud-based Bill of Materials management service). I found Jos’ comment fascinating. It made me think about innovation…

PTC Navigate, Industrial Innovation and future of PLM overlays

PTC Navigate, Industrial Innovation and future of PLM overlays

Yesterday, I shared my thoughts about Aras PLM replacement strategy. Check this link for more information. Today, I want to share an opposite view from PTC. I had a chance to attend think tank session organized by Zerowait-state and PTC. We discussed the reality of modern PLM including technology, competition and…
