A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

May 2020

30 May, 2020

Just a few months ago, I wrote the article – Are PLM conferences dead? Sad enough, the recent pandemic turned...

27 May, 2020

Lionel Grealou posted open for debate article – The Place of PLM in the Digital Future (open to debate). I...

25 May, 2020

My recent articles about the digital thread and multi-tenant architecture raised a number of questions and generated a healthy amount...

23 May, 2020

Peter Thiel is famous for his recommendations about how to build a monopoly. I recommend his book Zero to One....

21 May, 2020

PLM marketing and strategy these days are shifting towards everything “digital”. The number of “digital” articles is growing. While selling...

19 May, 2020

Last week I shared my thoughts about What platform is needed for Digital Thread? Thanks for your comments and discussion...

15 May, 2020

Database and data management technology are going through a Cambrian explosion of different options and flavors. It is a result...

13 May, 2020

Cloud is everywhere. It is hard to find a single company that is not developing products for cloud environment. Cloud...

11 May, 2020

Tech companies are trending in our current pandemic world. One of the trends that became obvious over the course of...

10 May, 2020

In my two last blogs, I was discussing Digital Thread and Digital Twins. If you missed, please check it out...

9 May, 2020

Earlier this week, I shared my impression of Aras’ take on Digital Twin and Digital Thread. If you missed my...

7 May, 2020

The use of the term “PLM” might have worn out its welcome says Peter Bilello, president of CIMdata analyst and...

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