Archive for May, 2021

2 Key Elements To Make Or Break PTC’s Cloud Strategy

2 Key Elements To Make Or Break PTC’s Cloud Strategy

I used an extended pause during the U.S. Memorial Day weekend to catch up on some PLM reading. The article PTC’s Cloud CAD Dilemma written by Verdy Ogewell caught my special attention. In his typical devil controversy style, Verdi brought up the opportunity for PTC to lead the future CAD…

How To Simplify PLM Using Online Cloud Services

How To Simplify PLM Using Online Cloud Services

The calls to simplify PLM systems are not something new in the industry. Although industry pundits might keep arguing about who invented the PLM concept and when it was first introduced to the work, there is almost full agreement about the value and complexity of PLM at the same. It…

3 Reasons Why Engineers Like To Geek Out About Part Numbers?

3 Reasons Why Engineers Like To Geek Out About Part Numbers?

Part Numbers. There is no topic that drives more attention when it comes to discussion about how to organize the work in product development and manufacturing. It is usually a heated discussion and opinions are ranged between using intelligent, semi-intelligent, and dumb (simple) part numbers. In my OpenBOM business, we…

PLM vs ERP – How To Achieve Synergy?

PLM vs ERP – How To Achieve Synergy?

I started my series of articles about PLM and ERP by speaking about PLM vs ERP Tug of War, continued about how PLM and ERP can change the battleground, and finally sharing my thoughts about PLM vs ERP growth opportunities. In these articles, I discovered what separates PLM and ERP…

PLM vs ERP – Opportunities To Grow

PLM vs ERP – Opportunities To Grow

I’d like to continue the series of articles about different aspects of PLM and ERP software, vendors, and business. In my previous two articles, I was sharing my thoughts about PLM vs ERP development trajectories. PLM and ERP enterprise software suites are powerful platforms with a large set of technologies…

PLM vs ERP – Change The Battleground

PLM vs ERP – Change The Battleground

My last article PLM vs ERP Tug of War generated a great number of comments. Thanks, everyone for sharing your insights and opinions. There are many reasons why the discussion is always hot about PLM-ERP. The main one is because these systems are traditionally responsible for both sides of the…

PLM vs ERP Tug Of War

PLM vs ERP Tug Of War

PLM and ERP are the two most dominant enterprise systems when it comes to handling product information and product development process, yet the number of debates about their coexistence in manufacturing companies is endless. What is PLM for and why ERP only is not enough is one of the most…

Data And Lifecycle – A Brutal Reality Of Future PLM?

Data And Lifecycle – A Brutal Reality Of Future PLM?

My long time PLM buddy Jos Voskuil wrote about The Future PLM. In the voice of many PLM publications, Jos’ articles are always standing out. As Helena Gutierrez of Share PLM wrote in her article The Best 12 PLM blogs to follow – When Jos Voskuil shares advice, I listen….

Unlock PLM Data for Breakfast

Unlock PLM Data for Breakfast

The upfront E-zine article brought me back to my notes from Peter Schroer’s keynote at ACE2021. If you missed the event, you can check the presentation online. Although, Peter’s presentation is not available because of some website errors. My favorite part of Peter’s presentation was about digital transformation and data…
