Archive for May, 2021

Digital Thread: Moving From Tools To Data Services

Digital Thread: Moving From Tools To Data Services

Earlier today, I attended the PI DX online meeting – Is Digital Thread Doomed WIthout Open Architecture. The virtual event was announced as follows: The digital thread is designed to track every process through a product’s life from initial development, manufacturing, servitization and is the ultimate communicative framework for collaboration….

Why Open Architecture Is Still Rare In PLM?

Why Open Architecture Is Still Rare In PLM?

I’ve got an email with this question from the PI DX Team, an outfit that stands behind a cross-industry community of manufacturing companies pursuing successful digital transformation. PI DX works with many industrial companies and vendors to enable cross-industry collaboration and to support innovation. The email invites me to the…

Who Can Break PLM Department Stores?

Who Can Break PLM Department Stores? article by Verdi Ogewell – New Leaders in Forrester’s PLM Wave: Why Siemens Will be a Tough Nut to Crack for Dassault and PTC was my Friday portion of PLM strategic reading. Verdi is well known for his visionary article presenting collections of PLM strategies. The current article was…

How does PTC plan to SaaSify their products until 2025?

How does PTC plan to SaaSify their products until 2025?

Modern cloud technologies are a foundation of SaaS business, which in a nutshell means turn software products into digital services. Have you heard the new term – SaaSification? The first time I’ve heard about it was about five years ago- check Forbes’ – How Saasification is taking the Tech by…

AEC Digital Twin To Measure Climate Product Impact

AEC Digital Twin To Measure Climate Product Impact

The manufacturing and construction industries are on collision courses. Back in 2019, I attended a TEC Talk session led by Jesse Devitte speaking about construction opportunities. This is where I first heard about construction smile and also the Construction = Manufacturing formula. If you missed my old article, check it…
