Posts by: Oleg

Manufacturing Knowledge Graph, Why It Matters And What Is PLM Role?

Manufacturing Knowledge Graph, Why It Matters And What Is PLM Role?

Unless you lived under the rock for the last decade, you’ve heard about Knowledge Graphs. In a nutshell, a knowledge graph acquires and integrates information into an ontology and applies reasoning algorithms to derive knowledge. It uses information extracted from systems, subject matter experts, data links, and machine learning algorithms….

What is LCAP and why PLM IT and admins should care?

What is LCAP and why PLM IT and admins should care?

The era of four digits acronyms is coming. Check out my FLaaS article. If you never heard about LCAP, it is time to meet the new name – Low Code Application Platforms. You might remember my articles about low code development earlier this year. Check them out: Will low-code save…

How PLM Can Develop A Customer-Centric Behavior

How PLM Can Develop A Customer-Centric Behavior

Earlier this week, I heard that the best PLM innovation is just listening to the customers. The situation with the user experience of enterprise software was completely different 15-20 years ago. Most business software development brands didn’t care much about user experience and customer behavior. These days, the situation is…

PLM Practitioners And SaaS/Cloud Knowledge Gap

PLM Practitioners And SaaS/Cloud Knowledge Gap

Cloud is not a new thing in the technology and software world. Cloud and Saas technology allowed to build remarkable world brands, yet cloud tech still keeps raising questions about adoption and acceptance in engineering and manufacturing software. The past decade demonstrated how dominant CAD and PLM vendors moved from…

PLM and Business Process – How To Find The Best Match?

PLM and Business Process – How To Find The Best Match?

When a company starts thinking about PLM there is nothing more important than to wrap your head around the idea of PLM, why is it important, and how to make your steps into this process. The greatest PLM failures are coming from people that are unable to understand the idea…

On-premise PLM As Storing Documents In Files

On-premise PLM As Storing Documents In Files

Earlier this week, I was talking to one of my teenage sons about his homework. At one moment of time, I told him that he can save his research work in the file. He gave me such a look like you can expect usually from teenagers – you know, that…

WEBINAR: The Digital Future of PLM

WEBINAR: The Digital Future of PLM

PLM companies turned digital overnight. Visit every website of PLM vendors, consulting, resellers and you will find that they are all gone “digital” now.  Digital is a magic word nowadays. Everyone wants to go digital. The first step is truly understanding what that means. For many companies, it is about…
