PLM Implementation Time Machine
4 Reasons Why Companies Are Still Using Intelligent Part Number Schemas
The topic of Intelligent Part Numbers is near and dear to the hearts of many people in the engineering, manufacturing, and PLM community. My OpenBOM article a few days ago raised a lot of questions, discussions, and opinions on LinkedIn. Check this out- I found them very interesting and insightful….
The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of PLM
How to Get Ready for Four Letter SaaS Acronyms (4LAaaS) in PLM
Organizational Gravity – How PLM project can get CEO attention?
How to step beyond the complexity of Bill of Materials, Revisions and Change Management
The Bloodbath Of Debates About FFF And Revisions
There are very few topics in PLM vocabulary that can raise fewer debates that these three letters – FFF, which stands for Form, Fit and Function. Combined with Part Revision they can create a bloodbath of discussions. Earlier this week, Yoann Maingon made all PLM and Configuration Management pundits on…