Technology space is good about inventing new jobs, titles and responsibilities. Until now, we knew about CEO, COO, CIO… The...
PLM for small companies is long time debated topic. The origins of PLM business are going deep into businesses of...
Shake-ups are not a surprise these days. It happens all the time and especially in technological fields. The last decade...
All roads lead to Rome. Sometimes, I have a feeling whatever discussion happens in CAD, engineering and manufacturing world, it...
Social PLM is not cool any more. The article Why is Social PLM DOA? from PLMJim popped up in my twitter...
My recent post about top pros and cons to have a special CAD file sharing tools drove some interesting conversation...
Everybody speaks today about big data. It is probably one of the most overhyped and confused terms. It goes everywhere...
It is not unusual to hear about PLM as a single system capable to drive overall product development processes in...
There are almost as many cloud storage services as clouds in the sky these days. Cloud opens a huge opportunity...
Tagging is one of the most popular ways to classify information. Tagging became a mainstream way to classify information in... is well know CRM provider. More than that, is well know by pioneering SaaS and later Cloud applications....
The life of IT departments is complicated these days. What was IT kingdom 10 years ago gone forever. IT is...