Daily PLM Think Tank

What is the future of PLM data analytics?

What is the future of PLM data analytics?

The amount of data we produce is skyrocketing these days. Social web, mobile devices, internet of things – these are only few examples of data sources that massively changing our life. The situation in the business space is not much different. Companies are more and more involved into connected business….

Will PLM Highway Route to Cloud Corridor?

Will PLM Highway Route to Cloud Corridor?

It is not unusual to hear about technological clusters these days. Cluster development emphasizes the importance of geography, or more correctly economies and/or technologies of co-located companies and businesses. In manufacturing world it very often includes suppliers or companies specialized in a specific domain or industry. Wikipedia article Business Cluster is…

Why PLM selection is about data access problem first?

Why PLM selection is about data access problem first?

How to select PLM? Manufacturing companies, industry pundits and vendors are trying to simplify this process. Nevertheless, after almost three decades, the problem is still on the table. PLM sales is value based and unfortunately requires to juggle too many people and events together. I see this process as a…

How to stop comparing PLM and SharePoint?

How to stop comparing PLM and SharePoint?

SharePoint is a long debated topic in PLM ecosystem. Starting from the early success of SharePoint back in 2006-2007, many companies are asking question about SharePoint and PLM system comparison. SharePoint took a significant market share using a successful licensing policy to embed the introductory version of SharePoint into Windows…

PLM and Data Management in the 21st Century

PLM and Data Management in the 21st Century

Boston is one of the rare places where you meet many CAD and PLM people at the same time at the same place. You don’t need to guess a lot why so. MIT CAD Lab, as well as many companies in this domain, made Greater Boston a unique place for…

PLM Is Challenged With Compliance Data

PLM Is Challenged With Compliance Data

Manufacturing is going global. This is not about the future. This is a reality of all manufacturing companies today. So, with such a reality, supply chain solutions is getting more and more traction and interest from IT managers and other people in companies. If I will use the language of…

Why PLM should friend Chief Data Officer?

Why PLM should friend Chief Data Officer?

Technology space is good about inventing new jobs, titles and responsibilities. Until now, we knew about CEO, COO, CIO… The last one was a very important guy when it came to the decision point about enterprise software. PLM included. The dream of every PLM vendor and implementer was to get…

SMB business is tough… and not only for PLM vendors

SMB business is tough… and not only for PLM vendors

PLM for small companies is long time debated topic. The origins of PLM business are going deep into businesses of large companies in defense, aerospace and automotive industries. Nevertheless, PLM companies for the last 10-15 years are trying to crack down “PLM for SMB” story with variable success. Sometimes PLM…

How many PLM vendors disappear in disruption predicted by Gartner?

How many PLM vendors disappear in disruption predicted by Gartner?

Shake-ups are not a surprise these days. It happens all the time and especially in technological fields. The last decade of web, mobile and  consumer tech innovations established a solid feeling of something new happens all the time. This “something” will come and change a status quo. Disruption is a…

Why cloud won’t solve CAD/PDM/PLM integration problem tomorrow?

Why cloud won’t solve CAD/PDM/PLM integration problem tomorrow?

All roads lead to Rome. Sometimes, I have a feeling whatever discussion happens in CAD, engineering and manufacturing world, it will lead to PDM and PLM. My earlier conversation about pros and cons of having special CAD file sharing tools started here, ended up on GrabCAD blog by Hardi Meybaum…
