
The Future of PLM Strategic Presentations?

Have you had a chance to see any PLM strategic presentation? I’m sure you did. You can find easy few of them by Google "PLM Strategy". How many times you’ve been looking on PLM strategic presentation and saying – hm, this is not exactly what I’m looking for. I was…


PLM and Social Connections

I’m continuing to explore various aspects of relations between PLM and social systems and tools in my blog. The social topic becomes interesting. However, I think social hype contains lots of misunderstandings and misconception. Few days ago, I had healthy debates with Chris Williams of Vuuch about PLM Social Detours. Chris is…


PLM Social Detours

I had a chance to read Enterprise Road Kill by The Vuuch Voice. The discussion Chris suggested in his post is going around usage of social tools in the enterprises. The idea of using social web experience in PLM is actively discussed by many people these days. Just to mention…


PLM, Enterprise Social Software and Excel Litmus Test?

I want to take another round of thinking about Enterprise and Social Software. My last post related to that was followingEnterprise 2.0 conference in Boston in June – PLM and Enterprise 2.0: No Fight… Yet. Few days ago, I posted about PLM, BOM, Excel – How to Make it right? Chris Williams…


Social PLM: More Syndication and Less Communities

I’ve been thinking more about what are the gaps in taking PLM to the next level of collaboration. Social trend started on Web 2.0 sites got explored more and growing Facebook population is just another confirmation of the fact that people are looking for new ways to communicate and work…


The ABC of PLM Facebooking

I was reading ‘Why does Facebook fail for Product Development? (and how to fix it)” article by Jim Brown. Jim made me think more about multiple associations between core Facebook principles and way PDM/PLM systems are organized and implemented today. Jim is saying, Facebook’s concepts are compelling, so let’s apply…


PLM, Social Silos and Information Streams

I had chance to read the following blog post on IT Business Edge – Oh No, Social Medial Creates Even More Information Silos. . It made me think about process interaction into enterprise organization. What I like very much, is a definition of social channels. This is a short quote…


Social Tagging and PLM – Can It Work Together?

You can tag almost everything these days – products on Amazon, Photos on Flikr, Facebook friends… However, would you think tagging mechanism can help you to find Part to re-use or maybe tagging will be useful to find top priority ECO or Drawing to work on today? Social tagging became…

Social PLM Enterprise and Federated Identity

Social PLM Enterprise and Federated Identity

I’d like to put some thoughts about user identity management in the enterprise. In the beginning, you may think the topic is obvious. Enterprises already solved this problem long time ago. Even if your need to login into the specific enterprise system was significantly decreased, it sounds like a problem disappeared….
