
PLM vs ERP – Opportunities To Grow

PLM vs ERP – Opportunities To Grow

I’d like to continue the series of articles about different aspects of PLM and ERP software, vendors, and business. In my previous two articles, I was sharing my thoughts about PLM vs ERP development trajectories. PLM and ERP enterprise software suites are powerful platforms with a large set of technologies…

Why Open Architecture Is Still Rare In PLM?

Why Open Architecture Is Still Rare In PLM?

I’ve got an email with this question from the PI DX Team, an outfit that stands behind a cross-industry community of manufacturing companies pursuing successful digital transformation. PI DX works with many industrial companies and vendors to enable cross-industry collaboration and to support innovation. The email invites me to the…

Who Can Break PLM Department Stores?

Who Can Break PLM Department Stores? article by Verdi Ogewell – New Leaders in Forrester’s PLM Wave: Why Siemens Will be a Tough Nut to Crack for Dassault and PTC was my Friday portion of PLM strategic reading. Verdi is well known for his visionary article presenting collections of PLM strategies. The current article was…

How does PTC plan to SaaSify their products until 2025?

How does PTC plan to SaaSify their products until 2025?

Modern cloud technologies are a foundation of SaaS business, which in a nutshell means turn software products into digital services. Have you heard the new term – SaaSification? The first time I’ve heard about it was about five years ago- check Forbes’ – How Saasification is taking the Tech by…

What did I learn at ACE2021 and Where Aras Is Heading?

What did I learn at ACE2021 and Where Aras Is Heading?

Earlier this week, I attended ACE2021. It was the second Aras conference completely virtual. Last year, Aras was one of the first companies that canceled their annual meeting because of COVID19. I can say that I was impressed with the organization of virtual space and presentations.The graphic arrangement of virtual…

Autodesk+Upchain =  Winners, Losers, Questions

Autodesk+Upchain = Winners, Losers, Questions

During the last few days, I’ve been getting many questions about Autodesk and Upchain. Thanks to all my online and offline readers – I appreciate your comments and questions. In this article, I want to share some questions I’ve been asked and also my assessment of how Autodesk will be…

Why Did Autodesk Acquire Yet Another Cloud PLM Vendor?

Why Did Autodesk Acquire Yet Another Cloud PLM Vendor?

A very interesting PLM news came out yesterday. Autodesk signed an agreement to acquire Toronto-based Upchain. You can read some initial coverage of the event on TechCrunch and Forbes that covered the event. For Autodesk, it is a signal for activity in the manufacturing domain (remember for the last few…

PTC Uber Vision for Onshape

PTC Uber Vision for Onshape

Earlier today, I attended the first-ever Onshape virtual customer event – Onshape Live 21. Since I’ve been following Onshape for a long time since their first public Beta was launched. Onshape’s first customer event was an interesting place to watch where Onshape is growing. According to PTC CEO, Jim Hepplemann,…

CAD Systems and Mobile Platforms Shift

CAD Systems and Mobile Platforms Shift

There are two types of CAD revolutions (features and platforms). The first create something completely new that was not possible before (think Pro-E and parametric features). Another one is platform shift. For many decades, CAD companies were playing the platform shift game. Remember Autodesk revolutionized the CAD by bringing AutoCAD…

CAD Education And Future PLM SaaS Mass Market

CAD Education And Future PLM SaaS Mass Market

How to approach a large mass market? Many companies in the software business asked this question when building their products, sales, and marketing strategy. Every time it happened in the past, it was a combination of technology and business creating these unique conditions to grow. Autodesk and Solidworks are undoubtedly…
