
How Many Enterprise Backbones Organization Needs?

Interesting post drove my attention yesterday. Reading about the role of PLM as enterprise backbone, I wanted to raise a question – how many of such “e-bones” do we need? My experience shows that in every enterprise implementation, discussion magically came to the point of “what will serve as a…


PLM Architecture: Content As a Service

I want to talk today about the future of PLM in terms of content. My initial thoughts were about SOA/WOA architecture and SaaS trends in software. I define PLM Content as a set of information related to Product Definition, Organization Processes related to product development and manufacturing as well as…


PLM Architecture: Get Off My Cloud?

In the past, I already discussed many cloud-related topics. Today, I want to get “down to the earth” and ask your opinion about PLM system architecture that will follow successfully future cloud development and architecture. My thought is that key enablers that will support PLM movement on cloud from the…
