A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software


31 March, 2016

I spent today in Detroit attending annual PLM Market and Industry Forum by CIMdata – one of the leaders in PLM research and...

2 March, 2016

Everyone wants to build a platform. It is such a nice sweet word. It sounds well. It smells good. It gives...

28 January, 2016

The buzzword from late 90s caught my attention yesterday – portals. Here is the press release from Accenture – Accenture’s...

14 October, 2015

Last week I traveled to Louisville, KY to attend CIMdata collaborative innovation and product development workshop. The agenda is here....

12 October, 2015

We love to speak about latest gadget features and disruptive technologies. Earlier this month, CNet posted  about “telepresence robot” is...

22 September, 2015

For the last decade, many industries learned lesson or two about disruption and how internet and other technologies can change...

17 August, 2015

Last year, my attention was caught by CIMdata article – IBM Forms New Watson Group to Meet Growing Demand for...

10 August, 2015

Everything becomes global these days. The same applies to manufacturing. It comes in variety of forms. To compete in a...

17 June, 2015

I’ve been following CIMdata PLM roadmap for HTE event on twitter yesterday. Navigate to the following link if you want to...

19 May, 2015

It is hard overestimate the importance of Bill of Materials for product development. In my keynote at ProSTEP iViP symposium...

31 March, 2015

I’m returning  home from CIMdata PLM market forum in Ann Arbor. For those of you who are not familiar with...

2 February, 2015

Cloud is huge enabler for collaboration between people. It makes your data and processes accessible everywhere from a browser. It...

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