Digital Thread is a new catchy phrase you can hear often these days. Very often, Digital Thread is used by...
Hexagon’s Article The Digital Thread Comes to BIM brings an interesting perspective on the industrial development of construction projects and...
The world is moving to platforms and cloud services. It sets an interesting trajectory in the development of enterprise applications...
The modern PLM industry is paying significant attention to the concept of Digital Thread. In a nutshell, a digital thread...
Last month I attended CIMdata virtual event 2020 PDT and PLM Roadmap. I’m still slowly skimming the slides and connecting...
Digital Twin is a new cool name coming on the horizon of PLM and together with DIgital Thread, it has...
A new name caught my attention earlier this week- Digital Twin Core (DTC). The name belongs to Aras Corp announcing...
In my recent discussion about Rethinking PLM architectures for Digital Thread, I’ve got an interesting comment about why Files are...
Last week I shared my thoughts about What platform is needed for Digital Thread? Thanks for your comments and discussion...
In my two last blogs, I was discussing Digital Thread and Digital Twins. If you missed, please check it out...
Earlier this week, I shared my impression of Aras’ take on Digital Twin and Digital Thread. If you missed my...
The use of the term “PLM” might have worn out its welcome says Peter Bilello, president of CIMdata analyst and...