
The future of PLM Glassware?

The future of PLM Glassware?

Technological predictions are tough and nobody wants to make them. Back in 2010, I came with the following post – Who Can Generate 3D/PLM Content For Apple iPad? Back that time, the value of iPad was questioned by many people. Speaking about manufacturing companies, people were very skeptical by the…

Interoperability will play a key role in a success of future CAD/PLM

Interoperability will play a key role in a success of future CAD/PLM

Data. Conversion. Interoperability. Translation. The discussion about these topics is endless in CAD/PLM world. Customers are looking for interoperability between different product versions, competitive products, data models, data formats, databases and geometrical kernels. Customers were always first impacted by problems of interoperability. The lifecycle of engineering and manufacturing work is…

PLM: Ugly vs. Cool

PLM: Ugly vs. Cool

Do you think PLM software must be cool? More than two years ago, I posted FREE and COOL trends in CAD/PLM. I’m observing an increased amount of discussions about “PLM coolness” in the past few weeks. The release of PLM 360 by Autodesk just amplified the interest to the “cool”…

How to re-invent “PLM collaboration” world?

How to re-invent “PLM collaboration” world?

What do you think about “PLM Collaboration”?… Yes, I can hear you – boring. However, what if I tell that collaboration can be cool again? Over the past year, I was tracking few vendors investing and playing with a collaboration topic. Today I decided to give you my perspective on…

Dassault V6, 3D Experience and “After PLM” Party

Dassault V6, 3D Experience and “After PLM” Party

You are probably familiar with the following statements “beavers do what beavers do“. I’ve got the confirmation of that last month when visited PTC HQ in Waltham, MA. It was amazing to see how PTC is focused on moving PLM story to the higher level of maturity. At the same…

Beyond PLM Panel Discussion on ACE 2011

Beyond PLM Panel Discussion on ACE 2011

Earlier today, I was running Beyond PLM panel discussion on ACE 2011. I’d like to say my special thank you to Peter Schroer, Aras CEO; David Sherburne of Carestream Health and Vasco Drecun of Siemens IT Solutions. We had a great triumvirate of a vendor, customer and IT/service people. I hope video of this panel will…

PLM and Cloud – Hold the Promise?

PLM and Cloud – Hold the Promise?

Cloud is trending. This is not a first time I’m touching the topic of cloud. During the past days, I had lots of healthy debates about different topics around PLM, Technologies and Innovation. Surprisingly, the topic of SaaS and Cloud didn’t come much into this discussion. Israel wasn’t cloudy during…

Engineering Software: Move to the Cloud vs. Born in the Cloud?

Engineering Software: Move to the Cloud vs. Born in the Cloud?

I’m not attending AU this year. My end of the year schedule included too many trips, so I wasn’t able to attend Autodesk show in Las-Vegas. However, thanks to my blogging and twitting friends and colleagues, I’m getting almost real time updates about what Autodesk is presenting. The notion of…

Live Blog: No PLM, PLM, Beyond PLM…

Live Blog: No PLM, PLM, Beyond PLM…

Yesterday, I had the unique opportunity to participate in the webinar with a very intriguing name – Why Hasn’t PLM Taken Over the World? You can listen to the recorded podcast of this webinar. Navigate your browser to the following link to listen for the record and to follow Cadalyst On…

PLM Philosophies Collide?

PLM Philosophies Collide?

Somebody asked me last week about how I see th future of PLM… Does it look like-BOM or like-Workflow? I found this question very interesting. Bill of Materials and Workflow (or process management) are fundamentally two most important pieces of PDM and PLM systems for many years. So, we have…
