
CAD, cloud PDM and special cloud sync

CAD, cloud PDM and special cloud sync

Once upon a time, all my files lived on my computer. I was able to control it, backup and even search using desktop search tools. When I had to collaborate to others, I usually send them files using email. CAD files don’t fit emails – they are big and have…

3 ways to break PLM social intertia

3 ways to break PLM social intertia

You might think “social trend” is over for enterprise product lifecycle management. PLM companies are not buzzing too much about social PLM these days. In my earlier post back in 2012, I shared my thoughts Why Social PLM 1.0 failed? One of my conclusions was that “social PLM” had low value…

PLM Alphabet and Google Hardware Projects

PLM Alphabet and Google Hardware Projects

ECM, PDM, PLM, MDM, ERP, CRM… you are familiar with the soup of acronyms used by enterprise software to fight for a place to provide a holistic solution for enterprise manufacturing business. E[E] blog post by Ed Lapotegui speaks about how to put PLM in the box. I like the…

Cloud CAD and Offline Internet

Cloud CAD and Offline Internet

I had a chance to attend Google I/O extended 2015 event in Cambridge, Mass yesterday. If you follow up Google I/O, you might be already up to the speed with all Google announcements around Android, Wear, Internet of Things, Photo, etc. If not, check Google I/O 2015. What caught my special…

Will search replace engineer’s brain in the future?

Will search replace engineer’s brain in the future?

Computers are changing the way we work. It is probably too broad statement. But if I think about the fact today is Friday afternoon, it should be fine :). I want to take a bit futuristic perspective today. Google, internet and computing are good reason why our everyday habits today…

Mobile CAD and PLM development options

Mobile CAD and PLM development options

Mobile PLM is one of the topics I’m following on my blog. You probably remember my post – How PLM vendors can find mobile moments. Today I want to speak about technological aspects of mobile development. For the last few years, mobile development took us into the world of multiple…

Future of design: how to connect physical and digital entities?

Future of design: how to connect physical and digital entities?

Technology can help us to expand horizons of possible and impossible. I’ve been experiencing this expansion earlier today while watching AU2014 keynote session online while physically traveling to Denver, CO. Twitter and streaming video are quite efficient way to stay in touch with event virtually everywhere. If you missed AU…

Cloud PDM hack with Google Drive and other tools

Cloud PDM hack with Google Drive and other tools

Earlier this week I talked about future of ubiquitous CAD cloud drives. My hunch CAD and other engineering software companies will be trying to use new cloud technologies to improve the way people collaborate on design. The question what tool to use for CAD file collaboration is not simple. I…

The path towards ubiquitous CAD cloud drive

The path towards ubiquitous CAD cloud drive

I’ve been talking about future of cloud file system and CAD data trajectories the other day on my blog. It goes back and connected to multiple discussions about future of file system. What will be future of file systems and file paradigm. Can we announce the death of file system?…

PLM collaboration – your inbox is a to-do list

PLM collaboration – your inbox is a to-do list

Collaboration is fascinating place. So many things were done to improve collaboration for the last decade, but it still remains a place many people are trying to improve. Technology around us is one of the reason companies are keeping to focus on collaboration. What was efficient and new 10 years…
