
The role of product lifecycle in open source hardware

The role of product lifecycle in open source hardware

We live in the era of changes. Think about the impact open source software (OSS) made on the software industry for the last 10-15 years. Many things we are using on daily basis today became enabled by open source software. Now, take a deep breath. The story of open source will…

The importance of software BOM for hardware security

The importance of software BOM for hardware security

We live in the era of smart products. Modern smartphones is a good confirmation to that. The average person today keeps in his pocket a computer with computational capability equal or even more than computer that aerospace and defense industry used for navigation. In addition to that, you smartphone has…

CAD / PLM on Chromebook?

CAD / PLM on Chromebook?

Our hardware life is much more diversified these days. Smartphones and tablets made a dent in the universe of Windows computers. Mac computers are more visible these days, but still the majority of engineering and manufacturing business systems are running on Windows. However, here is an interesting number I learned…
