"Machine Learning"

PLM and machine learning – how to find the right data

PLM and machine learning – how to find the right data

AI and Machine learning buzz is going through the roof. The number of new companies in the this categoryhas grown exponentially over the past few years. Few weeks ago, I shared my thoughts about AI-zation of CAD and PLM . Check out here. I found  the topic confusing with too…

AI-zation of CAD and PLM

AI-zation of CAD and PLM

AI is trending topic these days. AI enabled startups are everywhere and you can find many publications using term AI to express different aspects of innovation. Engineering software is not an exclusion from the trend. My attention was caught by Design World article – The Self-taught design system. Read the…

CONTACT Software Open World – IoT and Cloud

CONTACT Software Open World – IoT and Cloud

I’m in Germany attending CONTACT Software Open World. My “State of PLM” keynote is tomorrow. However, I had a chance to attend the first day of the event and wanted to share some news and thoughts. I captured few slides from the presentation of CONTACT Software (CS) founder and CEO Mr….

Will AI and machine learning change PLM value proposition?

Will AI and machine learning change PLM value proposition?

If you’re long enough time in tech, you probably remember Knowledge Management (KM). KM emerged as a scientific discipline in the early 1990s. It has long history of research, development, debates, forums, corporate libraries and indexes and mentoring applications (expert systems). With an increased use of software and data management,…

CAD + Machine Learning = ?

CAD + Machine Learning = ?

AI and Machine Learning are trending these days. It is revolutionizing the world of computers and make possible to discover and learn large sets of information. It can mitigate many computing problems and tasks challenges. In a nutshell, machine learning can create an algorithm that can be exposed to a…

AI opportunity for product lifecycle management

AI opportunity for product lifecycle management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a renaissance moment these days. With the risk to disclose my age, I can remind to my readers about “expert systems” and Prolog programming and pattern matching back in 1980s. Investors are getting more excited about AI these days. Check out my last year article – Future…

Product data, machine learning and Manufacturing as a Service

Product data, machine learning and Manufacturing as a Service

Earlier this year I shared some of my thoughts how machine learning can be used to improve the quality and understanding of product data. Check out my blog – Product Data and Machine Learning as a Service. With the latest development of cloud PLM, more data about product is available…

Product data and machine learning as a service

Product data and machine learning as a service

Machine learning is an interesting trend to observe today. Companies are placing big bets on machine learning algorithms and thinking how to apply it in a different business scenarios. InfoWorld article How IBM, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon do machine learning in the cloud provides an interesting insight on how Google, Microsoft…

Will machine learning eliminate part numbers?

Will machine learning eliminate part numbers?

Part Number is a fundamental element of any identification mechanism in product development and manufacturing. The debates about intelligent and non-intelligent part numbers are unstoppable like a wildfire. Back in time when the most updated bill of materials was on the cork board in shop-floor, people memorized part numbers. I…
