
Office Competition Gets PLMish?

Office Competition Gets PLMish?

Office and other productivity tools are un-separateable parts of product development environment. Some of them such Microsoft Excel literally can stop product development and manufacturing in many companies. I’ve been blogging about Excel and Office many times. Couple of weeks ago, I came back to this topic with my –…

Will PLM pickup OTT Mobile Collaboration strategy?

Will PLM pickup OTT Mobile Collaboration strategy?

Collaboration. Magic and one of the most confusing words. People are using it in so many contexts that it became meaningless. One of the main trends that was dominant for the last few years was social collaboration. Social networks and social tools went mainstream and it impacted the way business…

PLM and importance of mobile apps

PLM and importance of mobile apps

Mobile is hyping, trending, skyrocketing… You name it. Everything goes mobile these days. Many developers of enterprise apps are asking these days – what does it mean for me? PLM developers are one of them. How mobile apps are important for users of CAD, PDM, PLM and other engineering applications?…

PLM systems and web scale API trajectories

PLM systems and web scale API trajectories

APIs. Just to eliminate any possible confusion, API stands for Application Programming Interface. Wikipedia provides very straightforward definition of API here. For many years, API was an important element of PDM, PLM and other enterprise software business. APIs enabled the possibility of any system to be expanded, customized and tailored…

PLM Developers – what is the right mobile platform?

PLM Developers – what is the right mobile platform?

Mobile is coming to enterprise. Blackberry was a first device who cracked mobile enterprise. Enterprise mobile email delivered by Blackberry was king of the road many years. Then came iPhone, iPad and many other devices. The development for different mobile platforms is skyrocketing. There are many questions here. Every PLM…

Mobile PLM and BaaS

Mobile PLM and BaaS

I learned a new buzzword yesterday. Have you heard about BaaS? Navigate to the following TechCrunch article – Kinvey Launches Enterprise Back-End Service For Building Mobile Apps That Move Data From Salesforce, Oracle And Other Sources. Kinvey is a startup that put a mission to scrap data from enterprise backend…

What PLM can learn from “mobile discover apps”?

What PLM can learn from “mobile discover apps”?

Mobile apps is one of the most growing segments of software business these days. Clearly, the years after iPhone and Android introduction, we had an explosive growth of mobile software and variety of applications. Enterprise software and PLM vendors are trying to learn “mobile language” as well. However, in my…

Mobile PLM: Apps vs. Mobile Browsers?

Mobile PLM: Apps vs. Mobile Browsers?

I want to come back to the topic of mobile apps vs. mobile browsers again. Earlier this year I posted PLM: Mobile-Optimized Sites vs. Mobile Apps, which presented some interesting numbers about US mobile apps vs. mobile web consumption. It demonstrated a clear growth of mobile apps usage vs. web….

Enterprise App Store: There is an App… for what?

Enterprise App Store: There is an App… for what?

I’m sure you are familiar with a famous Apple slogan – there is an app for that. We are in love of our apps and use them a lot. The idea of Apps was picked up by enterprise software developers as well and popularized. I believe the idea is good….

Cloud PLM and Cost of Data: Your Mileage May Vary?

Cloud PLM and Cost of Data: Your Mileage May Vary?

Cost is important. Period. It drives attention of IT managers and CFOs. With a massive changes cloud and mobile bring to a modern enterprise, structure and definition of cost will be transforming. On my way from Tel Aviv to Boston yesterday, I had a chance to read RWW Mobile article…
