
Full Product Lifecycle, Cloud and Granular Security

Full Product Lifecycle, Cloud and Granular Security

Security is one of the most fundamental things in enterprise systems. If you think about every enterprise system as a big data store with applied business rules, security will be the one you will need to evaluate first in order to map it to your organization. It comes in multiple…

Thoughts about PLM cloud security and iPhone 5.

Thoughts about PLM cloud security and iPhone 5.

The discussion about cloud security is storming. You can see it going wide, and everybody wants to add something about how future CAD or PLM cloud solutions will be either secured or unsecured. If you want to spot some bad predictions about the cloud and engineering software, navigate to Hey!…

Cloud PLM and “Good Enough” Security

Cloud PLM and “Good Enough” Security

When it comes to “cloud PLM”, the discussion about “security” is almost inevitable. This is one of the top concerns of people and, at the same way, top argument of IT and other people arguing against use of public (and other variations of) cloud PLM systems. I’m reading about security…

Cloud PLM and Security Certification

Cloud PLM and Security Certification

Cloud and Security. I hope I’ve got your attention a bit :). In 99% of my talks about PLM and the cloud, the topic of security was coming very fast. The question of how to provide a balanced way to handle it is the one I’m mostly interested. Thinking about…


PLM: Data Protection and Security Approaches

I want to touch and discuss an issue of data protection. When thinking about Product Lifecycle Management and related disciplines, IP protection and data security are obviously very important. However, I’d like to take in the context of another very important and growing trend in PLM, in my view –…


PLM Prompt: Social PLM and Security

Note…  Reading very interesting study about higher vulnearability of social networkers. We are all very excited about advantages of PLM social product development and social innovation. I think, social software brings a lot of potential.  But what will be security impact for these people and enterprises? My short prompt. How…
