Terminology is important. You don’t want customers to get confused with the wrong term or technological buzzword. Unfortunately, some of...
I spent today in Detroit attending annual PLM Market and Industry Forum by CIMdata – one of the leaders in PLM research and...
The Congress on the Future of Engineering Software (COFES 2016) is coming next week. Traditionally, COFES is a great opportunity to...
Desktop virtualization is a technology that separates you desktop environment and installed apps from the physical computer. It became popular...
One of the buzzwords you can hear in U.S. manufacturing for the last few years is reshoring. Reshoring (opposite to...
Social was once was a hot topic in PLM industry eco-system. The use of social networks is increasing. The latest...
PI Munich event is over. Now it is the time to digest information, scroll through the notes, tweets and business cards....
Time is running fast. It has been almost 6 years since I met Hardi Meybaum co-founder of GrabCAD in one of...
Entrepreneurs are taking manufacturing by storm. Recent HBR article –Entrepreneurs Take On Manufacturing by Mark Muro gives you an interesting perspective on...
Over the weekend, I had a chance to read Steven Sinofsky’s article – Disruption and Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda… He speaks about...
IoT (Internet of Things) is an interesting trend. It is certainly impact everything in manufacturing. In Product Lifecycle Management, it open...
PLM is complex – the paradigm, definition, implementation, technology. Simplification of PLM is the discussion topic among PLM industry people...