A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

IoT and PLM have common problem – data interoperability

IoT and PLM have common problem – data interoperability
26 September, 2014 | 2 min for reading


One of the heavily debated topics in CAD/PLM industry is data interoperability. I remember discussion about data interoperability and standards 10-15 years ago. Even vendors made some progress in establishing of independent data formats, the problem is still here. At the same time, I’m convinced that successful interoperability will play one of the key roles in the future of CAD/PLM. Navigate your browser to my article with few examples showing  how important data interoperability for building granular architecture of future application and collaboration.

IoT (Internet of Things) is relatively new trend. We started to discuss it recently. Applications of IoT are bringing lots of interesting opportunities in many domains- smart houses, connected devices, infrastructure operations and many others. However, here is the thing – we can see many companies looking how to get into IoT field. By nature, this field is very diverse. I can hardly can imagine single manufacturer supplying everything you need for your “smart house”. So, we are getting (again) into the problem of interoperability between devices, services and processes.

Forbes article Digital Business Technologies Dominate Gartner 2014 Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle speaks about several business and technological trends. IoT is one of them. Article points on the problem of data interoperability as the one that will impact the most future progress in IoT. Here is the passage I captured:

What will slow rapid adoption of IoT? Standardization, including data standards, wireless protocols and technologies. A wide number of consortiums, standards bodies, associations and government/region policies around the globe are tackling the standards issues. Ironically, with so many entities each working on their own interests, we expect the lack of standards to remain a problem over the next three to five years. In contrast, dropping costs of technology, a larger selection of IoT-capable technology vendors and the ease of experimenting continue to push trials, business cases and implementations of IoT forward.

It made me think about two issues. The problem of standardization and data interoperability can be only solved by business interests of vendors. With absence of mutual business interests we will see dumb devices not interconnecting and managing to exchange data. The value of IoT solutions will be impacted. The second problem is related to PLM vendors consuming data from multiple devices and services to improve decision making. Standardization in that field can provide an advantage and  present a solid business interests of vendors.

What is my conclusion? We can see an entire new industry of IoT is under development these days. Data interoperability is a problem that needs to be resolved earlier than later. Roots of data interoperability problems are usually related to hidden business interests of vendors. Learning from previous mistakes of CAD/PLM industry can help. CAD/PLM vendors can provide tools that helping manufacturing companies to build a better connected devices. Just my thoughts…

Best, Oleg

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