openBoM for hardware startups and contract manufacturing

openBoM for hardware startups and contract manufacturing


Manufacturing is changing these days. For the last few months, I’ve been observing many changes in manufacturing environment driven by factors such as globalization, additive technologies, distributed global manufacturing networks, one-click manufacturing, maker movement and hardware startups.

Thinking about modern manufacturing challenges brought me together with my partner, Vic Sanchez, to form a new company – Newman Cloud Inc. to build a technology and products that can help manufacturing companies to conduct business.

Today, I want to share an early news about the creation of openBoM – a cloud data management and collaboration tool for hardware startups, contract manufacturing and supply chain.

The vision of openBoM is to become a tool that helps to connect people working on product design, engineering and manufacturing in a distributed environment.


openBoM is a cloud tool that will help to manage information about bill of materials (BoM), its revisions and changes. It’s also help engineers and other people in manufacturing companies to work collaboratively and always have access to the most updated BoM information. It will help track BoM historical records and generate change reports.

So where does that leave Beyond PLM? For the last 8 years, my blog survived many changes, three companies and consulting business. My commitment during all these years was to provide vendor neutral daily portion of news, information and comments about PLM, engineering and manufacturing software. I want to reassure my readers that Beyond PLM is not changing and remains vendor neutral. I will continue blogging and you can rely on Beyond PLM for my last thoughts about engineering and manufacturing software.

My best regards,



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