
CAD Project Cloud Collaboration… What?

CAD Project Cloud Collaboration… What?

The life around us is changing fast. Consumerization. BYOD. Cloud. Social. We are in the middle of the biggest technological change that happens in front of our eyes. What does it mean for engineers? Apparently engineering needs are no much different from what it was 10 years ago. The fundamental…

PLM and Future of Gamification

PLM and Future of Gamification

It is already more than 2 years I first asked on my blog if there is a border between games and PLM software. For some of the people back that days it was funny. However, things are moving more and more to game-like environments. The following Forbes article The Gamification…

3D and Communication Strategy

3D and Communication Strategy

Communication methods are interesting. These days lots of things are changing in this space. Internet, Web 2.0, Video communication converted some of our hottest dream to reality available in our everyday life. However, you can say – it is all about gadgets and toys. What modern CAD and PLM software can…


PLM Prompt: 3D, VR Cameras and xBOX 360

Short and powerful message – 3D is coming! Microsoft announced VR camera availability on xBOX 360. Delivered by 3DVIA Virtools and MP it will provide a new type of user experience never seen before! Watch these Lionhead “Milo” project videos. Created by the acclaimed studio Lionhead Studio, this game is…
