Short note: I’m delighted to inform you that from today I’m blogging on DS 3D Perspectives blog. Cloud Watching Polls
Analyzing waves comes out of Google Wave presentation. I can see multiple responses and perspectives on potentail use of Google...
I want to talk about an interesting segment of cloud technologies – cloud SQL Database. For the last months, I’ve...
In my view, open source (or more precisely –open source software) is becoming more and more visible in the business...
One of the most popular discussions in the PLM domain is about what is PLM. The debates are going on...
We are in the middle of significant paradigm shift. Consumerization, cloud, mobile. This is only a short list of influencing...
Model-based is a topic in the air of many discussions about future digital transformation in engineering and manufacturing. I honestly...
In the past, I had chance to write about Google Wave (GW). Lots of interest coming around everything related to...
Efficiency and productivity are at the core of many decisions made by manufacturing companies. How to reduce the cost and...
I spent the last three days at IDE 2019 – a summer school organized by Core-Lab of the University of...