A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Prompt: Is Free the Future of PLM?

PLM Prompt: Is Free the Future of PLM?
13 July, 2009 | 1 min for reading

There are a lot of buzzes now debating future business models of “Free”. I had chance to read Chris Anderson book “Free” over the weekend. My thinking today is that freemium model is still having long way to go and most of the providers today are still in single digit revenues.


What I was thinking is that freemium business model can solve a problem of Product Lifecycle Management user adoption rate. Finally, the most effective price is no price at all. So, providers of PLM software will be competing to provide quality software to get market share. Successful ones will have after, option to receive premium revenues for extended portfolios…

What do you think about it? Does it make sense?

Best, Oleg.

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