A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Prompt: Microsoft Kills Mashups and focus on SharePoint

PLM Prompt: Microsoft Kills Mashups and focus on SharePoint
21 August, 2009 | 1 min for reading

Interesting prompt related to Mashup services. I just heard that Microsoft will discontinue their Popfly mashup service on Aug-24. Minute of silence, please. Popfly was one of the coolest mashup services I knew. Actually, I’ve seen Popfly as a type of services that can be promising also for various PLM-like implementations in the future.


However, Popfly gone and I believe Microsoft will focus on enterprise mashups a-la SharePoint for the next few years….


Did you have any mashup experience in your organization? Do you think mashups for enterprise are about multiple excel services combined with ETL transformations?

Just my thoughts, Best, Oleg

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