A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

PLM Strategy and Six Thinking Hats

PLM Strategy and Six Thinking Hats
26 October, 2009 | 1 min for reading

six-thinking-hatsDo you know how companies are making decisions about their PLM related strategies? I don’t… Each time I see this process, I think a company is trying to invent the wheel. I think, the most closest methodologies related to such decisions are in the space of Configuration Management and Engineering Documentation.

I was reading about Six Thinking Hats methodology over the weekend and found it interesting to apply to way organization apply their thinking about PLM-related strategies.

White Hat:
Thinking about Design, Product models, Bill of Material, Structures, Information.

Red Hat:
This is the way to think about how we work now. In most of the cases, I think, we are taking very emotionally, analyzes of how we work now. In most cases, it is very hard to disconnect.

Black Hat:

This is the place where all thoughts about previous unsuccessful projects come to our mind.

Yellow Hat:
Here all PLM Marketing messages going to be presented. Benefits, Values, ROI, TCO etc.

Green Hat:
This is the place where we are going to innovate and brings new technologies, a suggestion to change, improve etc.

Blue Hat:
This is our process control hat. When we think how to organize processes, how to decide. I’d call it probably “management way to think”. Sometimes, this one can turn us to data reducing of Part Numbers, Optimizing ECO etc.

So, I’d be interesting to hear about ways you think when made your previous PLM-related decision? Do you see six hats association work for you? Share your thoughts, please…

Best, Oleg

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