A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

Happy 1st Birthday Daily PLM Think Tank!

Happy 1st Birthday Daily PLM Think Tank!
30 November, 2009 | 1 min for reading

Dear Friends,

One year ago I started Daily PLM Think Tank with this post! Thank you all for support and your voices. Without you it was absolutely impossible to make it. So far, some numbers:

369 posts,

1’949 comments,

131’345 page views.

Here are the top 20 stories on Daily PLM Think Tank for this year:

6 reasons Why Google Wave will Change PLM Collaboration
PLM and Internet of Things
PLM Prompt: Microsoft Kills Mashups and focus on SharePoint
Top Five Disappointing PLM Technologies
SharePoint PLM Paradox?
PLM Prompt: Google Fusion Tables – PLM on Steroids?
PLM Prompt: BPM & PLM Cloud Meeting?
PLM Prompt: What will be PLM Open Source Secret Souce
PLM Prompt: SharePoint FAST Social Move
Should I keep secrets from my PLM system
PLM Architecture: Get Off My Cloud?
Do we need to fix PLM basics?
Seven Rules Towards Single Bill of Material
MS SharePoint 2010 – Is it good for PLM?
PLM Transformation: Easy, No; Costly, Yes
PLM Action Plan for Dummies
PDM vs. PLM – Is this about Process?
MS SharePoint 2010 – Is it good for PLM?
Why Do I Like My PLM Excel Spreadsheet?
Top annoying things about PLM software.

So, I’m looking forward to next year… What would YOU like next?

Best, Oleg

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