A blog by Oleg Shilovitsky
Information & Comments about Engineering and Manufacturing Software

February 2010

26 February, 2010

PLM implementations are not simple. At the time when PLM vendors are working how to improve their out-of-the-box product offerings,...

25 February, 2010

I’m continuing to discuss various aspects of PLM on the Cloud and SaaS. The issue I wanted to discuss today...

24 February, 2010

I found a very interesting Forbes Magazine’s story – The Future of Enterprise Software. The author is writing about coming...

23 February, 2010

I had chance to read yesterday Arena’s whitepaper “Whose BOM is it Anyway?”. You can find the link this whitepaper...

22 February, 2010

I’ve been reading white paper by Kalypso – 4 Reasons Why Industry Leaders Aren’t Losing Sleep. Max Cochet explained four...

19 February, 2010

When somebody is asking me what is the number one PLM software problem, my instant answer is – complexity. Yes,...

18 February, 2010

I’d like to put some thoughts about user identity management in the enterprise. In the beginning, you may think the topic...

17 February, 2010

Interesting news drove my attention yesterday. Bentley System made an acquisition of the company called Enterprise Informatics. When I was...

16 February, 2010

Social is hot. Social networks, social applications, social enterprise, social CRM… social PLM (?). I put a question mark, since...

15 February, 2010

I want to get back to social applications and PLM topic. You can ask me why? Last week was the...

12 February, 2010

Recent SolidWorks World Event brought a significant splash of discussion about cloud based applications. It is interesting to see different...

11 February, 2010

Recent presentation on SolidWorks World 2010 about evolution of PLM drove me to think about what is the future of...

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